Session Speaker
Patricia Decosterd
Director, Sales & New Merchant Integration


Company Description
Rakuten Rewards, formerly known as Ebates, is a cash-back and shopping rewards platform.

Visit the website here.

Website Audience
High value shopper - 70% female, 68% aged b/w 25-54, 67% married - 58% with kids, 88% homeowners, 25% household income > $175K

Target Consumer
High value shopper, female, moms, millenials, gen z, ages 18-55

Target Region
United States

Target Advertiser Partner
Highly engaged advertiser partners who are looking to invest in the Rakuten Rewards program in order to drive awareness to their brand across our broad member base. Advertisers who already have a strong brand recognition or are emerging, with a strong social media following.  Strong value proposition, offer compelling products and /or services and have an excellent site and customer experience.